Michael Klinneter
With few tweets to a NEW PHILOSOPHY - giving a BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF REALITY, especially WHY it is, including a NEW PROOF OF GOD and a PROOF OF MAN'S LIFE AFTER DEATH!
(Mit wenigen Tweets zu einer NEUEN #PHILOSOPHIE und #RELIGION, die ein BESSERES VERSTÄNDNIS FÜR DIE REALITÄT liefert - insbesondere WARUM sie ist - und auf diesem Weg u.a. einen NEUEN GOTTESBEWEIS sowie einen Beweis für ein LEBEN NACH DEM TOD entwickelt.
Hinweise auf Fehler, Lücken und sonstige Schwachpunkte in meinen Argumentationen sind willkommen.)
Some of my thoughts are very clear in the form of short tweets. Read it and enjoy! "In der Kürze liegt die Würze!"
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Actual (= our) Reality as a Whole is Optimal (best possible).
That is My "Theory of Everything" = best possible TOE.
It follows that there was a time when we all were God! And it will be a time when we all will be (the best possible) God again - forever!
#philosophy #religion
The Reality as a Whole includes all universes, all events, all things, all beings, all consciousnesses, all states of consciousness, all experiences, all feelings, all thoughts, all energies, all forces, all dimensions, all spaces, all times, present, past, future...
Question: What is the World of God?
Answer: The WHOLE System of the Worlds.
#religion #philosophy
My theory, that our reality is chosen and determined by a special unconditional ethics, can explain a lot of mysteries. Please study the website:
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With few tweets to a NEW PHILOSOPHY - giving a BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF REALITY, especially WHY it is, including a NEW PROOF OF GOD and a PROOF OF MAN'S LIFE AFTER DEATH!
(Mit wenigen Tweets zu einer NEUEN #PHILOSOPHIE und #RELIGION, die ein BESSERES VERSTÄNDNIS FÜR DIE REALITÄT liefert - insbesondere WARUM sie ist - und auf diesem Weg u.a. einen NEUEN GOTTESBEWEIS sowie einen Beweis für ein LEBEN NACH DEM TOD entwickelt.
Hinweise auf Fehler, Lücken und sonstige Schwachpunkte in meinen Argumentationen sind willkommen.)
Some of my thoughts are very clear in the form of short tweets. Read it and enjoy! "In der Kürze liegt die Würze!"
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To EVERY logically possible reality WITHOUT a god: there is a BETTER logically possible reality WITH a god!
Because the ACTUAL (= our) reality is the BEST possible reality, it INCLUDES a god!
#religion #philosophy #TOE #God
Actual (= our) Reality as a Whole is Optimal (best possible).
That is My "Theory of Everything" = best possible TOE.
It follows that there was a time when we all were God! And it will be a time when we all will be (the best possible) God again - forever!
#philosophy #religion
The Reality as a Whole includes all universes, all events, all things, all beings, all consciousnesses, all states of consciousness, all experiences, all feelings, all thoughts, all energies, all forces, all dimensions, all spaces, all times, present, past, future...
Question: What is the World of God?
Answer: The WHOLE System of the Worlds.
#religion #philosophy
For EVERY logically possible reality WITHOUT a god: there is a BETTER logically possible reality WITH a god!
Because the ACTUAL (= our) reality is the BEST possible reality, it INCLUDES a god!
#religion #philosophy #TOE #God
I proved that the ACTUAL Reality As A Whole is chosen and determined by the UNCONDITIONAL parts of Logic + Ethics - and therefore is BEST possible.
It follows that in this #Reality our WHOLE #life is much longer and better than the time span between birth and death.
My Theory Of Everything says that the ACTUAL Reality As A Whole is chosen and determined by the UNCONDITIONAL parts of Logic and Ethics - and therefore is best possible.
It follows that in this #Reality a #GOD exists - perfect in power, knowledge and ethics.
#philosophy #TOE
My Theory Of Everything says that the Actual Reality As A Whole is chosen and determined by the UNCONDITIONAL parts of Logic and Ethics and therefore best possible. From that follows that in this #Reality is a #GOD - best possible in power, knowledge and ethics.
#philosophy #TOE
Or take this one: What my BEST Theory of REALLY Everything provides
#philosophy #TOE
My theory, that our reality is chosen and determined by a special unconditional ethics, can explain a lot of mysteries. Please study the website:
Good/right about a reality R would also be if there would be many examples for wish fulfillment and fair wish distribution without mistakes/errors.
Because the actual reality is chosen for being and thus DETERMINED by #ETHICS, it cannot be determined by #physics! So chance + probability come into physics. And superposition + interference to show us friendly that there are REALLY MULTIPLE PHYSICAL POSSIBILITIES.
Among the infinite number of logically possible realities, the actual reality is chosen for being and thus determined by the ETHICS (that is: by the unconditional ETHICAL TRUTHS/FACTS).
#philosophy #logic #ethics
1. Logic
and then
2. Ethics
are the both deepest CREATIVE layers or factors of the Existence (as a whole).
If the properties of a Reality R would result in a logical contradiction, R would be LOGICALLY impossible.
If those would not be the ethically best among the realities, then R would be ETHICALLY impossible.
In both cases, R would not be in the Potential of Being.
We don't live in the best of all possible worlds, but in the best of all possible REALITIES - that is: the best of all possible SYSTEMS OF THE WORLDS.
A new Theory Of Everything? - If yes, then it would be the BEST Theory of Everything (BTOE).
Because there is and must be exactly one reality, there must be at least one reality for which there is NO BETTER reality. We can call it a BEST reality.
It can be proven that there is only 1 best reality.
Important unconditional truth/fact:
If Reality R1, if it would be, would be BETTER than Reality R2, if it would be, then Reality R2 MUST (MAY?) NOT BE! Then Reality R2 would not be in the POTENTIAL of being/existence. Then it could not be. Then it would not be.
What properties would make a possible reality favored for being/coming into existence?
As we saw: the same properties that make a possible reality better!
That is: a lot of realised Wanted (fulfilled Wishes); few realized opposites of the Wanted; few errors/mistakes of wish fulfillment; few errors/mistakes of fairness.
If there is a Will or Wanting, then the Wanted is favored/preferred for Being/Existence over the Unwanted. At first by the Wanting itself. Because this is more than nothing, at last also principally or generally.
#Philosophy #Ethics
It would be a mistake/error, not to realise the Wanted. And mistakes/errors are not allowed!
#philosophy #ethics
What would be the bad things about a possible reality R, if it would be?
1. Mistakes/errors of wishful fulfillment,
2. mistakes/errors of fairness,
3. The realized opposite of the wanted - because it would be found bad by the wanting.
Good/right about a reality R would also be if there would be many examples for wish fulfillment and fair wish distribution without mistakes/errors.
Back to the possible realities:
If a possible reality R would be, what would be the good things about it?
Answer: the realised Wanted of the Wantings.
A Wanting finds the Wanted GOOD.
A Wanting wants the Wanted to BE.
Therefore the GOOD is preferred to BE.
Because of the wanting.
#philosophy #ethics
A lot of Wanting can also be realised in the own mind and body. (We don't need War always.)
#philosophy #ethics
Therefore: What is good and right?
Answers: 1. It is good and right to REALISE/FULFILL WANTING.
2. It is good and right to realize two (equally strong) Wantings EQUALLY. (Because in both cases, the Wanted is privileged only by the [equally strong] Wanting.)
#philosophy #ethics
... 2. means Fairness to both Wantings. No one should be privileged or disadvantaged.
#philosophy #ethics
It would be a mistake/error, not to realise the Wanted. And mistakes/errors are not allowed!
#philosophy #ethics
Now I have to demonstrate that parts of #ETHICS are unconditional and therefore part of the PreReality.
An important example for an unconditional truth/fact is:
If the properties (definition) of a reality result in a logical contradiction, then this reality CANNOT be! ... then this reality is not in the POTENTIAL OF BEING/EXISTENCE.
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